Yesterday, the Feast of the Epiphany, we closed the Mass by singing Oh Come All Ye Faithful. Thankfully, this NOT being the 2nd Sunday of the Month, it was NOT accompanied by a guitar.
I found myself humming it during the day, in between watching as much football as I could. I also found myself thinking of what our pastor said during the homily, about the Epiphany being the "unveiling" of Christ and how the Magi "took a different route" once they'd seen the Lord. (Some of that had to do with the angels, of course).
The Epiphany or our Lord. Probably something the atheists hate even more than Christmas itself. I mean, for crying out loud, it's bad enough we have to celebrate His birth, then a week later we celebrate the "unveiling" for all to see??? Sheesh!!
So while humming Oh Come All Ye Faithful, somehow I was struck with the idea of how the secular humanists would sing it.