Back in the Thirties (from the style of Oswald, that reminds me of his look in such shorts as "Happy Scouts", I guess we are around 1938) Walter Lantz tried to sell an Oswald daily strip series to syndicates, with no success.
It looks as one week (6 strips) was actually made but remained unpublished.
Someone tried even to sell those dailies on Ebay (as now, one strip is still auctioned at a "reasonable price" and I don't know if the other ones were sold or not).
David Gerstein was enough nice to send me images of all of them and here we are sharing them with you.
According to David the seller claimed these as the work of Lantz himself and dates them at 1936. As said, I have a different opinion about the date...and I have absolutely no idea about the artist.

Well, I'll be seein' ya,
Duck Dodgers