The Bugs Bunny opening title art sequences are some of the finest that WB ever made .
From " The Heckling Hare " trough the Forties and Fifties right to the Sixties , the Merrie Melodies and Looney Tunes starring Bugs were introuduced not only by the headshot of the bunny ( the headshot of the main character was a title art 's characteristic of many studios , expecially Disney ) but also by the wabbit himself sitting on the WB shield or on his name written on the screen before the appearence of the title cards .
For a short period , Bugs even replaced Porky Pig in the Looney Tunes closing title art !
I post some pics that , in my opinion , are not only the most charming ones , but are also able to show how the character of Bugs Bunny graphically involved . Enyoy !

I higly recommend to save these pics on your PC and to watch them all in sequence , one after the other . The effect will be great !
Yours Truly ,
Duck Dodgers
Blog Founder and Administrator