Here's the rear altar at Immaculate Conception - Mount Saint Mary's University in Emmitsburg, MD.
The Sunday evening masses here employ a guitar - and after attending these numerous times, I can alter my opinion of the use of guitars at mass. Now, there's a big difference between employing a guitar at mass and a "guitar mass". There's also a small choir that joins in, along with a violin and a piano. I think only the most ardent Traditionalist would object to what they hear.
Considering that the University mass is predominately college kids, with a few of us old farts thrown in to mix things up, the reverence they show is quite impressive. Before I went, I was thinking "This is going to be some sort of hootenanny".
It's a testament to the University and to the parents of these kids.
The ol' CCB can be tough on modern life, but I'll give credit where it's due. I'll miss this place over the summer, that's for sure.