Now that Christmas card season is done, I thought I'd catch up on some of the Catholic news I've been missing.
Apparently the Vatican has a MySpace page? Well, I suppose once you've jumped on YouTube, all the other social media can't be far behind. But I read that one of the songs on the Vatican playlist is by Tupac Shakur? I had to double-check, because that sure sounds like a Curt Jester April Fool's prank.
But sure enough, it's there. And over at Catholic Sensibility, I see that some Paulist Father thinks it's an excellent choice for Advent: "I can’t help but think that Shakur’s song makes a fine Advent anthem. This holiday season is all about change and renewal. That grasshopper-eating prophet of repentance, John the Baptist, takes center stage in the liturgical readings, exhorting his followers to make way for a new day."
Um, yeah. What's next - will they add "Creeping Death" by Metallica, which sings about the Passover (believe it or not)?
Try as they might, too often when the Church tries to "be relevant" it just comes off as a little...lame.
Link: http://catholicsensibility.wordpress.com/2009/12/08/vatican-music-page-includes-tupac/